Sunday, 30 September 2012

gourmet blog challenge MyChef


bulan lepas saya ada mengikuti pertandingan Gourmet Blog challenge anjuran syarikat makanan sejuk beku yang best iaitu MyChef. Alhamdulillah, saya telah berjaya keperingkat akhir dan telah pun diadili oleh chef chef celebrity iaitu, Chef Florence, Chef Liza, Chef Zam, dan Chef Dr. Ezani. Mmg kelas contest ini, dan saya secara jujurnya amat bersyukur kerana Allah berikan saya peluang untuk saya menghadiri pertandingan seperti ini. very precious!.

Well... enough said... just enjoy pictures k...

Plating time, 15 minutes given. nervous tau..

sebahagian hidangan, me tgh berborak dengan kak nowwa.
para juri, from lwft: chef florence, chef liza, chef zam n chef dr. ezani

Peserta kategori Chef Florence
My dish, top view

with chef ezani

with my sis in law, aishah, my date for that night

With chef Zam

With Chef Liza
Menunggu keputusan
Penyampaian hadiah dari Chef Florence
goodie bag with hadiah.
Well... enough said... just enjoy pictures k...

p/s: :)

Sunday, 23 September 2012

not well


no recipe posting for today though i just made some lovely red velvet cuppies w unbelievable delicous cream cheese frosting.
reason is, my son amzar is not that well. harsh cough with bad flu. with demam some more...

but today, alhamdulillah, he's doing well. dah tak menepek dah. dah cergas sket. alhamdulillah.

but.. but.. lepas je amzar cam nak baik baik ni... i plak yg kene serangan idung meleleh and constant sneezing.

ok... nak rest.

p/s: tringin mkn mcd...

Tuesday, 11 September 2012

potato frittata for a glorious breakfast


its tuesday... its morning and im hungry... and... i need to prepare breakfast for that tiny man. frittata it is. i boleh makan, budak kecik boleh mkn. and the fact that it sooo sedap n berkhasiat.
so, here is the recipe.

1 1/cup of shredded potatoes
3 eggs
1 medium onion (diced)
5-6 fresh basil
salt n pepper
knob of butter
bit of olive oil

1st, melt the butter into bit of olive oil in a pan, add in onion, saute it a bit until they are slightly brown, then, add in potatoes, season it with sal and pepper, kacau kacau sikit to make sure they cook evenly. selepas itu, masukkan telur sebiji demi sebiji. tutup kuali. biarkan sekejap sambil periksa untuk pastikan tak hangus.

selepas itu, balikkan sebelah telur and wait for 10 second sebelum angkat dan sedia untuk dimakan.
i love that the eggyolk are oozing and melting.

the butter and the potatoes and the egg make a great combination. adding onion and basil into great combination, makw this dish from great to phenomenal.

p/s: sedap sedap sedap.

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Sunday, 9 September 2012

best frosting ever


yes yes... i have found the best cake frosting ever. there's no too sweet buttercream... no too thin n runny or too thick frosting. just perfect. perfect consistency, very fluffy tn texture, so delicious that my brother says, the buttercream has take over the cake.

sekarang i sedang mengikuti kelas dan belajar memfrosting kek. well, kelas youtube. hehe.. and doing some intensive excersize.

i've done vanilla and chocolate version of these frosting. they are both beautiful, maybe i'll do other flavour next time.

here are the ingredient for this magic, so good, over the top frosting. original recipe from mel's kitchen

1 1/2 cup of granulated sugar
1/4  cup of flour
3 tablespoon of cornstarch
1 1/2 cup of milk
1 teaspoon of salt
375 gm of butter (cut into cube in room temp)
vanilla (2 teaspoon)

mix sugar, flour, cornstarch, milk and salt together and mix well, masukkan campuran tadi ke dalam periuk kecil dan kacau sehingga pekat. do take your eye on them as they can burn easily. kacau saja sampai pekat dan susah nak kacau. pindahkan ke dalam mangkuk dan biarkan ke suhu bilik. IMPORTANT to make sure its in ROOM TEMPERATURE, before moving to next step.

Kalau nak cepat, masukkan ke dalam fridge, tapi make sure jangan sejuk sangat, bila dah sejuk, biarkan ke suhu bilik semula. so, not cool, not hot,  but room temp. get it? hehe..

ok, next step, mix the room temperature batter with low medium speed, add in vanilla. then add butter, cube by cube. until combine, after combining all the butter , turn your mixer to high and your frosting will become shiny, fluffy, delicious and too good to eat. :)

for chocolate version, add 1/4 cup of cocoa powder to the sugar, flour, cornstarch, and milk mixtures. then, after the frosting has its mix into fluffy session, add in, melted room temperatures semisweet chocolate, and mix again.

then, frost your cake.

p/s: intended to make another batch this week. :)

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Wednesday, 5 September 2012

kek nanas terbalik

im too thin. almost disturbing. i never want to be like this. i ate. well, §maybe the portion is not as much as i suppose to eat. maybe.
as i went black out sometimes, having low bp, and have xs as my dress size... my husband has force (kinda) me to gain weight in a month. not a kilo but over 10 kilos as my ideal weight suppose to be 53kg, now im 41kg. byk tu...
jadi untuk menyahut cabaran itu, i telah membuat sebiji kek nanas terbalik. ok, sebiji kek takkan buat i naik berat badan sampai 10kg. hehehe. but bolehlah, kalau nak add on few calories kan... ok, this upside down pineapple is always a hit in this house or kalau saya buat untuk jamuan. delish.

for recipe, go to this page :

enjoy the picture dan cuba buat. sedap tau...
p/s. im indulging the last slice of these cake right now. :)
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